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Black Friday/Boxing Day

After some serious consideration I have decided not to participate in Black Friday or Boxing Day sales.

I know this is different for every business, and I know I don't owe you all an explanation, but I do want to explain a few things.

I will not discount my services after years of education & training. However, whether you choose a cleaning service or a workshop, you will always receive bonuses like a gift bag at a workshop or a new candle for your home.

My mark up on my retail is fair, anything less than what I'm charging would only allow me to barely break even. You may see package deals occasionally; I can also say with certainty that you are getting the best deal I can already possibly provide.

I want you to want to come see me ... I want you to want to trust me with your soul, your home, and your well-being.... not to come see me and purchase things from me because they are on sale.

I realistically don't have enough in regular sales to entertain even more on sale prices. If I had more people purchasing their wellness kits or products more regularly, I could maybe offer Black Friday or Boxing Day sales.

I also want to leave Black Friday to the big box stores. I regularly create sales to make space for more products, but it will be on my own terms 😌

Thank you all in advance for understanding.

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