Black Friday/Boxing Day
After some serious consideration I have decided not to participate in Black Friday or Boxing Day sales. I know this is different for...
Creativity and Workplace Fun
I started formulating this idea in the shower. Of course, that is where I get many of my brilliant ideas. Why is that? Want to know why...
Errands and the “Invisible Load”
I see you mama. The mama carting her newborn and toddler out of the store and attempting to keep your shit together. You turned for a...
Stuffies, Cleaning, and Humanity
As we enter into spring many people are considering spring cleaning. AboutU has been providing cleaning services for people who need...
Poop? Why does it matter?
Now, I am no expert on bowel movements, but I do know we all have them. Anyone/thing with a digestive system has them. Why are they...
Growing in Body Positivity
As I write this, I am reflecting on the journey my body has taken with me. I started my 20’s with a c-section and birthed a beautiful son....
Self Care and Parenting
As I sit here, thinking about being a mom to a 12 year old, I reflect on how I can continue to allow him to grow. There is a lot of talk...
Free Bleeding
This journey that I embarked on with free bleeding was exciting. It started with not being able to afford menstrual products because my...
Self Care....for real
For a long time I had this view of what self care I thought reading, bubble baths, and wine. I thought that if I had enough...
Period Poverty
Period Poverty. If you don't know what this is, then chances are you haven't experienced it and that's okay. With that being said,...